
daily thoughts

07/24/17 Recent thoughts

(1) Inequality between men and women (in terms of Japanese society)

 Note)means biological term by “men and women”

There is def inequality between men and women. Looking back at history, Japanese women for a whole have been treated clearly improperly. But the context has changed. Inequality sure exists there. But it is more mutual now. Women are biologically relatively powerless, by which women are still being persecuted sexually, for instance, pervs on trains, rape etc. Surprisingly these injustices REALLY exists in my usual life. Meanwhile men are persecuted socially due to the idea that “women are thoroughly persecuted by men” which derives from feminism. By some statics, Japanese women are 40% less paid in their payment. This economic inequality established the idea above. Whatever social position you are in, this is applied. Implicitly, not to help economically women is however evil in this society. This implicit idea secretly force men almost unconsciously pay for women.


(2) Emotions and differences among individuals

In some political theories, emotions are heavily focused. It seems that in those theories emotions are described as the roots of humanity and sense of justice. But could it true? I cite Hannah Arendt’s plurality here. It admits the fact every individual is different. (For my ignorance, I will not go any further beyond this) And that illustrates exactly what I see. In this world, we appeared to be common, at least partly. Whatever group you take part in, there is the same element among us humans. This is sometimes called humanity, and many purports it consists of emotions, or sense of justice. But what if this humanity is essentially different deep inside individuals? And it seems so. I believe I myself am a very sympathetic person. And how devastated I feel sometimes when I see so-called inhuman deeds done by other people and they have no feeling of illness, remorse or whatever. Human emotions are gradation. Some feel very sad, angry, joyful, pleased, while others feel less, even none. This fact is normally ignored for it is gradation and subtle. However, others are incomprehensive. Say, others are aliens, which suggests the hardship on the idea of inter-subjective perspective. On the other hand, humans are very vulnerable. So we have to confront the dilemma that we aliens co-live hand to hand.